Harmony Hill and the wonderful people who live there are fictional.
Some of the stories they tell have been inspired by real people in my life.
I hope you enjoy my work. Most of the credit should go to my three sons
for the inspiration and spark of insanity I needed to write this entertaining blog.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Let Me Sow Love

                               Evil little witch in your ivory tower                               
You sit and bitch about the hour
Like a coward you hide in the dark
Spewing your venom on an innocent soul
If only you had the courage to speak face to face
You never took the time
To ask
To know
To understand
You just scream and threaten
Forcing my loved ones to go
Where is your compassion
Your humanity
Your sense of justice
If only you took the time to find out what was going on
You would have found a mother trying to overcome a great loss
Her son just had a frightening car accident
She was just doing her mothering thing
Asking her sons to drive safe
I had no idea I was disturbing you
Something I never ever wanted to do
Instead you choose to hurl horrible
Frightening words at my open wound
And when I try to explain
Before I have a chance to apologize
You threaten my existence
In fear I retreat to my apartment
And sit in the dark for hours
Every creak
Every thud
Fills me with incredible terror
With each passing second
Every menacing tick of my clock
My heart grows heavier
My head pounds
I want to run
But have nowhere to go
At first I secretly curse you
Wishing you could feel my pain
Hoping someone would do to you
Exactly the same
I cry  
I pace
I pray
Asking God how could someone be so cruel
If you had only taken the time
I would have gladly explained
The hours slowly pass as I pace
A new day dawns
Will you going about your day
Without a care in the world
Totally oblivious
To the despair and anger you left in your wake
I summon up the courage
To peek out through my closed blinds
I need to see the sunrise
I need the reassurance that love and compassion still exist
As I gaze upon the beauty
Salmon pink and purple streaking through a pale blue sky
I feel compassion for you slowly seep in
I am going to give you much more than you deserve
I give you my understanding
To speak with such hatred you must be in great pain
I give you my forgiveness
I choose to believe you were in great distress
Unable to think about the consequences of your threats
I give you my sincere apology
I had no idea I was disturbing you
Although I am unable to fall asleep
Your voice still echoes in my brain
I will get down on my knees
And ask God
To bless you just the same!