Harmony Hill and the wonderful people who live there are fictional.
Some of the stories they tell have been inspired by real people in my life.
I hope you enjoy my work. Most of the credit should go to my three sons
for the inspiration and spark of insanity I needed to write this entertaining blog.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pick Your Battles

Dear Bella Nonna,

Please help!  My five-year old twins are driving me crazy.  Don’t get me wrong, I love them to pieces, but everyday feels like a war zone.  I thought the terrible two would end by their third birthday… but things are getting worse instead of better. 

Everything ends up being a battle… from what to eat to where they are going to sit in the car.  My biggest battle is over what they are going to wear.  We are always late getting to kindergarten, family functions and social events because they want to wear something totally inappropriate.  We go round and round arguing over what they are going to wear… nothing works.

Battle Fatigued in Baltimore

Dearest Battle Fatigued,

I'm a firm believer in giving children choices in their lives.  It gives them the opportunity to express their unique sense of self and helps to develop their decision-making skills.   But anyone who has done battle with a toddler because she wanted to wear her party dress to make mud pies, his cowboy boots to wade in the pond, a new winter coat to the beach or footy pajamas to Granny's 80th birthday party will agree that there has to be limits placed on those choices.

To make life simpler and a lot less stressful I gave my guys the bottom drawer of their dresser to put all their favorite playtime outfits in.  On days when we stayed at home with nothing special going on I allowed my sons to pick out the clothes they wanted to wear from their bottom drawer.  When we were going out or were having company over, I would pick out two or three outfits of my choice and let them decide which one they wanted to wear.  If it was an extra special event I would tell them I need them to wear this outfit.

The most important thing to do is to talk to (not at) your child.  Explain why some days he/she gets to choose whatever he/she wants to wear, some days you need to limit the choices and other days you need him/her to cooperate and wear what you pick out.

My thoughts and prayers for peace are with you.

Bella Nonna

P.S.  Here is a little English lesson I learned from self-help books… the word need implies you require something, it is necessary.  The word want implies you desire something, it is a wish.