Harmony Hill and the wonderful people who live there are fictional.
Some of the stories they tell have been inspired by real people in my life.
I hope you enjoy my work. Most of the credit should go to my three sons
for the inspiration and spark of insanity I needed to write this entertaining blog.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baby Can You Hear Me

Dear Bella Nonna,

I am worried my three year-old son might be hearing impaired. Sometimes when I call his name, I get no response. He will be playing on the floor not four feet from me and I will call his name and he just keeps on playing. He doesn't even look up. I had heard stories of mothers depriving their children of precious learning experiences by not realizing they were hearing impaired.

I mentioned this to his pediatrician at our last visit and she dismissed me with a wave of her hand and a grunt," New mothers… you all worry too much. Relax, he's fine."

I trust my son's doctor, but I still have this nagging feeling that something might not be right.

What do you think I should do?

Worried in Washington

Dearest Worried,

I went through the exact experience with my three sons. I would try to get their attention and they would often keep right on playing as if I wasn't there.

When Mickey was a toddler I decided to do my own hearing test. One day while he was playing in the living room, I went into the kitchen and opened a bag of cookies. Within seconds he came running in to get one for himself.

I have used this hearing test throughout my three sons' childhood. In fact, I just used it today. While they were outside working on their cars, the radio blasting, I went into the kitchen and opened up the last package of Tastykake. I am happy to report; all three of my sons have excellent hearing.

Take care,
Bella Nonna